Its exactly a week that I have spent 30 min everyday walking and I feel great about it. I decided I will not take the excuse of the tredmill for not to go walking. Whoever is reading it- you should spend sometime walking, minimum 30min will do. Result from this effort would be
1. You get a very good sleep at night
2. The extra fat in your body is lost.
3. You get to breath the fresh air
4. Satisfied that I am able to spend sometime for myself
5. In future, I am sure to make friends.
6. You get to sweat, which is very much needed.
7. Get time to think about many thing when I walk.
8. The expected Diabetics disease which is heriditary will take some more time to make home in your body.
I have decided to capture any thing that attracts my eyes in everyday's morning walk. Today, its a temple which I cross by since last 7 days. Its brightly lit when I start my walk and when I finish and return the lights are put down and its more wonderful with the brightness of the morning sun.
Nice and inspiring thought. Keep walking………… :)
Hi its a good decision that you put aside the idea of buying Treadmill.
It cant you yo the feel of walking especially in the morning.
Hope you will get more pics from your morning walks.
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