Thursday, March 12, 2009


Once you get up in the morning, one can clearly picture the happenings that would follow that day and predict the outcome of the actions and be mentally prepared for it. But do you think 'what if it does not happen in this planned way'??. It can happen to anyone. Yesterday I felt the shake in my routine life. I am riding back home and it started to rain. I enjoy the feeling of rain hitting me from above when I ride and I just went with the flow. But ahead was something that I did not notice, i was destined to experience the fact that I am an immortal being and I might be welcomed by the Yama lord any time. When the breaks of my vehicle was initiated it rubbed against the sand gravel below and along with the rain water it mastered a occasion of a slippage. I had a grand fall with my scooter skidding behind me and my helmet skidding before me. My bag was dragged by my scooter . I found myself lying between the scooter and the helmet with my sandals on either side of me. I think this incident took 2 second. My only thought at that point was that I did not want to bother the traffic being stopped because of me. I could get back on my feet, pick my helmet and put my slipper and eyed my bag to check if its still there in proper condition. The reason being it had my laptop which did not belong to me. A stranger was helpful in moving my vehicle to the side of the road. I then check on myself, found that I had hurt my palm, legs and hands. I did not want to bother my father, I manged to ride in the same situation and get to the doctor to treatment. It has so happened that the rain god grace had turned as a curse to many two wheeler riders. At the doctor's clinic I found another young men's head bleeding .
I am thankful that I was not badly hurt, i was moved to see my son that day. He seemed to be shaken in seeing me not as active as everyday. After telling the incident he was telling me to drive slowly. His innocence was so genuine.

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