I recently happened to read the Book "The Princess". The pictures that flashed to me when I saw this book was that it could be the story of

some lavish lady who wants to outrageously flaunt of her belongings and the way in which she manages her life and her fame. But when I read the lines mentioned behind the book I was elucidated on the fact that this book was related to the dark sides of her life that she is dwelling with until today. In fact she is anonymous and she has taken her friend's help to put across her words through her writing. Democracy of Speech that we all take for granted is forbidden for her, actually according to her its each girl/lady/women in her community.
Curious about understanding what circumstance a 'Princess' underwent I decided to borrow the book. Its the first book that I completed in 3 days. I was completely moved by reading the book. I felt that my feeling moved for all the ladies that was referred in that book. Do you know that driving a car by a lady could lead to a punishment as getting killed by stoning. And when such ill-fated 'shows' happen the whole community witness this. Very afflicting. Following are the some of the horrifying points that I came across which we just have not thought about it as a privilege.
1. Not to be physically present when ones father or brother around.
2. Ladies to be in a different floor when men are also staying in the same house.
3. Not to show ones face in her own house if other men come in.
4. Will not know who she will be marrying to.
5. 13 years old can marry an 60 years old man.
6. Ladies to be completely veiled when they go out after they see their first blood.
7. One has to be scared of ones own male workers, as they could object to the attitude of the ladies owner.
8. A man could have more that 4 wife's.
9. The ladies are not supposed to drive a vehicle.
10. The ladies should always be escorted by a man
11. The ladies do not have access to their passport.
12. Ladies should provide permission letter from their husband/father to the airport authorities if they need to travel.
13. Ladies are not supposed to marry an outsider.
14. Men of the house declare the punishment. It could be like drowning the girl in the swimming pool, lock the lady in the 4 walled room, amputate her ears and nose..these are which I have heard.
These are the few points that Iremember.
After reading the book my thought was on how I could help my fellow female human beings. I being is southern Asia, I have literally no idea as to what means I could help. But as the 'Princess" has a friend to write the book for her, I thought I could put across the suffering of the womanhood of the Arabs in my own way so the word spreads and someone who is destined would go to help them. I pray the Lord that they believe in to help them.