Thursday, January 15, 2009

Makara Sankranthi - 2009

The word is derived from "Sat" and "kranti", meaning "good movement." Shankrati means transmigration of Sun from one Rashi to the other. The Shankaranti festival usually refers to Makara Sankaranti , or the the transition of the Sun from 'Dhanu' Rasi (Sagittarius) to 'Makara' Rasi (Capricorn) . This marks the starting of Uttarayana, which means northern movement of Sun. - This is for the basic understanding of the festival, which is celebrated around India with different names. For us in Karnataka its Makara Sankranti.
I feel envious when I hear my Kannadiga friends let me know the various rituals that they need to perform that day, especially the ladies who are newly wedded.
I would like to share the way in which I celebrated. Knowing that its an important festival for people around me, I was enthu in doing something different today. I decided to gift something new to myself. I bought a mobile phone - Sonly erricson -w580i, its had many features, which i need to explore. A visit to the temple in the evening made the day worthwhile. Its Makara Joythi at Shabarimala, where thousands of devottee see the divine light high up the mountain that day. My Sankranti festival contined the next day by celebrating a Sari day in our office. Ofcource for which not all participated, it was more off like a Senior ladies celebrating


Shubha MV said...

Information is put in an interesting way.. Hope you become an expert in handling Sony W580i..

Please go ahead in giving information

Unknown said...

Good information on Makara Sankranti. Keep it up... new year has just started and all the festivals waiting to be captured by you!

Btw our snaps can as well be published as some Kitty party members :-)